An adorable black bear cub struggles to find the perfect spot for an afternoon nap as he wriggles around on the branch of a maple tree. The five month old scamp refused to sit still, having climbed the tree trunk with his mum and sibling. The restless cub was photographed by Canadian wildlife photographer Megan Lorenz, 38, whilst she was watching these beautiful animals relax at Georgian Bay, Ontario. 'I came across a female bear and her two cubs resting in a tree,' says Megan, of Etobicoke, Ontario.
A former size 30 comfort-eater ditched her husband and lost over 10st after he called her a 'fat cow' .
THESE kaleidoscopic-like photographs capture England’s churches and cathedrals in all their glory .
A woman has spoken of her heartbreak after she was rejected by an adoption agency because of her pregnancy phobia .
A world's first restaurant has opened in Canada, where having your order fall on deaf ears is a good thing .
A woman with a rare condition that means she collapses every time she laughs fears she may have passed the rare illness onto her young son .
THE CRAZE for mimicking the video game Streetfighter has spread to the streets of London .
Meet the real-life Little Bo Peep - a young woman who spends her days tending to her four pet SHEEP .
An obese woman has lost 9st after an addiction to junk food left her £1 .
A US firefighter has battled osteoarthritis and four hip replacements to break the world paddleboarding record .
A mum from Gloucestershire has accepted her four-year-old twin son’s decision to live full time as a girl - and is now letting him wear a skirt to school .
WITH the phosphorescent blobs and mesmerising patterns, these spectacular images may look like the hall marks of an enchanted forest but it is in fact the scene of thousands of dancing FIREFLIES .
Whenever 46-year-old Melo Masi steps out of his front door in Berkshire, he risks being mobbed by strangers desperate for a selfie - all because of his incredible likeness to Hollywood megastar, Johnny Depp .