Bryanna Debinder, 20, from Pennsylvania in the USA, has lost 7 stone in order to impress her idol. The psychology student first became obsessed with the Canadian heart-throb in 2009, after seeing his 'One Time' video on MTV. After becoming jealous of the girls he pulled on stage, she embarked on a diet that has seen her drop from 19st to 12st. Bryanna, who has never had a boyfriend, says she is 'in love' with Justin, and just wants to let him know that he has changed her life forever. 'He's my ideal boyfriend,' said Bryanna.
A kingfisher’s bright blue and orange feathers glisten in the sunlight as the bird dives into a lake .
A couple from Bristol have told that they are often mistaken for father and daughter because of their huge 36 year age gap .
FROM the rolling hills of the Scottish highlands to looming chalk cliffs in Sussex, these stunning photographs capture the spectacular beauty of Great Britain .
Lying angelically with a range of expressions etched on their tiny faces, little bundles of joy are innocently captured in their first few days in these adorable photographs .
STARING eagerly into the camera, this little toad is full of curiosity .
PERCHED on a branch, these two frogs hold hands as they look into the camera .
A trio of ants are locked in a tug of war over a fly as they pull the bug by its legs .
At 19st and eight months pregnant, Ashley Whitfield, went into hospital to have her baby son, Isaac, delivered by emergency C-section .
INTIMATELY showcasing personal artefacts from a family's life, this abandoned bungalow has been left to rot for almost a decade .
A hypnotherapist filmed himself sexually abusing a 19-year-old patient while she was in a trance-like state .
LOCATIONS bursting with vibrant greens and chestnut browns, these photographs capture the peaceful English countryside in all its glory .
Leaping out of the ocean, a group of gentoo penguins fly through the air before landing safely on an iceberg .