Bryanna Debinder, 20, from Pennsylvania in the USA, has lost 7 stone in order to impress her idol. The psychology student first became obsessed with the Canadian heart-throb in 2009, after seeing his 'One Time' video on MTV. After becoming jealous of the girls he pulled on stage, she embarked on a diet that has seen her drop from 19st to 12st. Bryanna, who has never had a boyfriend, says she is 'in love' with Justin, and just wants to let him know that he has changed her life forever. 'He's my ideal boyfriend,' said Bryanna.
BURSTING colours of reds, pinks and purples give the illusion of a collection of stunning flowers .
An elegant snowy owl spreads her wings and glides effortlessly above the snow covered field .
Fishermen in Myanmar have perfected an unusual fishing technique by carefully balancing on one leg .
STAIRWAY obsessed photographers have captured psychedelic shots that will mesmerise you .
SOARING at 112 miles per hour through the air, this petite blonde certainly lives up to her title as the fastest flying woman in the world .
PAWS for thought as you feast your eyes on this rare bear bathing session .
CRAZY BEARDS come into their GROWN when they've been twisted and waxed into shape .
A personal trainer who was dumped over a life-changing sleep disorder has finally found love .
ROLLING up snow in its tiny paws, this little squirrel is looking for a snowball fight .
A six-year-old boy has been left almost blind after a one-in-a-million allergic reaction to antibiotics .
Marina Afonina, now 51, from Northampton, met Ioan Budea in 2006 .
LINED up one by one on a deer’s back, these little birds give their wings a break as they catch a ride across London .