This hungry white tiger has just one thing on her mind - to taste fresh meat. The fearsome creature was quick to leap into water, her jaws open wide, razor-sharp teeth gleaming to reach the chunks of raw meat. Capturing the action was photographer Kristi Harper, 45, from South Dakota who travelled to the Six Flags Animal Park in northern California to take the extraordinary pictures of this rare white Bengal tiger called Kashmir. Up close and personal pictures show how this powerful 600 pound female Kashmir's fierce jowls rippled alarmingly as she dived into the water for the hunks of meat her keepers tossed into the water-tank. “Trainers would throw meat out in a big pool of water and the tigers would dive after it,” said Kristi. “I loved the diving tiger show – especially the faces they made going after the meat. “People were not scared as such, but they were shocked on the scary faces. People who see my pictures can’t believe they are real. “They ask where I took them, and comment on how scary the tiger looks.” Six Flags has been home to tigers since 1968. Now there are a total of ten-tigers, including three rare white tigers like Kashmir. In the wild tigers are critically endangered.
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