A group of whale sharks gather to feed underneath a fisherman’s boat off the coast of Papua, Indonesia. The gentle giants are surrounded by fascinated divers, including Italian photographer Andrea Izzotti. The 47-year-old captured these underwater images during a dive in Cenderawasih Bay, off Papua, Indonesia.
This artist had a lot of bottle to re-create a masterpiece painted with nothing but 24 litres of cola .
A young woman who once weighed the same as 12-year-old girl has told how a severely malnourished cat helped save her life and beat her anorexia .
Several times a year, Gemma, 21, can be found mumbling her words and struggling to concentrate as she walks around in a dream-like state .
The beds are consumed by moss instead of customers at this abandoned hotel .
A Romanian woman is celebrating her new job as a knife-thrower’s assistant after leaving her family behind to move to the UK .
A former size 30 comfort-eater ditched her husband and lost over 10st after he called her a 'fat cow' .
At least three people have been killed and more than 100 injured, some seriously, in two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon .
AN ANOREXIC dental nurse whose weight plummeted to less than four stone has won her NHS fight for more treatment .
Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters .
WITH HIS PAW covering his mouth, this cheeky cub looks amused by something .
AN underground HOBBIT motel inspired by JRR Tolkien is just one of the unique places to stay at the world's most unusual hotel complex .
PEACE and love filled the 1980’s Glastonbury fields as relaxed festival goers kicked back and soaked up the atmosphere .