A chipmunk, with his cheeks full to bursting, has no intention of leaving with an empty stomach. This cheeky fella ensures he’s stuffed as many peanuts as possible into his mouth before heading home. These fantastic close-ups where taken by Canadian photographer Brad Denoon, 48, as he fed them whilst he sat in his back garden in Trenton Ontario, Canada. 'I regularly sit outside and feed the chipmunks, and have done for years now' says Brad.
From squids to Star Wars, these flipping marvellous creations are pancake portraits .
JUDGE BLASTED FOR LETTING PAEDO WALK FREE A PERVERT who sexually assaulted two young girls on an allotment, telling them he was brushing spiders off them, has walked free from court – because jailing him was ‘unfair’ on his family .
Swimming side by side with divers, these manatees will do anything they can to stay warm .
Pictures of John Anslow a prisoner who escaped from a prison escort van in North Worcestershire Monday, 23 January .
Housands of cushions handmade as gifts for Olympics athletes may go to waste after London 2012 KNITWITS stitched up volunteers by refusing to allow them to hand them out .
Beautiful turquoise waves rise and fall in a series of stunning images taken along the coastline of south-eastern Australia .
Families in an Indian slum put their lives on the line by living on top of an ACTIVE railway track .
A striped marlin means business as it spots lunch and spears a small fish .
A first-time mum has told how she was allergic to her unborn baby after she developed an angry red rash all over her body .
THIS ONE of a kind experience brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'a coffee to go' .
Pic By HotSpot Media - SWASTIKA’S SPRAYED ON MOSQUE - RACIST graffiti including swastikas have been emblazoned on a £2 .
GUITARISTS that want to lay down some slick licks will soon be able to get their hands on a brand new guitar - made from oil cans .