A chipmunk, with his cheeks full to bursting, has no intention of leaving with an empty stomach. This cheeky fella ensures he’s stuffed as many peanuts as possible into his mouth before heading home. These fantastic close-ups where taken by Canadian photographer Brad Denoon, 48, as he fed them whilst he sat in his back garden in Trenton Ontario, Canada. 'I regularly sit outside and feed the chipmunks, and have done for years now' says Brad.
A host of websites that are almost twenty years old are collecting a cult following thanks to their retro appeal .
A woman was left shocked after her hunky boyfriend confessed he was actually born a GIRL .
A British diver has set a new world record for the longest warm water scuba dive by spending a mammoth 49 hours and 56 minutes under water .
PICKING up a tiny tea-pot with its paws, a little red squirrel struggles to prepare its morning tea .
Housands of cushions handmade as gifts for Olympics athletes may go to waste after London 2012 KNITWITS stitched up volunteers by refusing to allow them to hand them out .
SAILING over crystal clear waters, the Bajau people of Malaysia live their lives almost entirely at SEA .
A Canadian couple celebrated their engagement by recreating iconic moments from the film The Notebook .
A diving mad couple have finally taken the plunge, having tied the knot 30ft underwater .
These photographs of extreme weather capture storms furiously rolling across the sky above America .
THIS incredible shimmer of silver fish mirrors the image of that of an underwater tornado .
LUMINOUS green rocks could easily be a beach from Superman's homeland of Krypton .
HOTSPOT MEDIA - MILEY MASH-UP: MILEY CYRUS’ naked wrecking ball vid has been lampooned in this side-spitting photo-mashup .