LIFTING their heads high and bumping beaks, these aggressive pelicans clash over fish. The birds jostle with one another as fish is thrown into the lake in Greece. The food fight was photographed in Lake Kerkini in Sintiki, Greece by Jiri Michal. The 34-year-old Czech engineer says: “I lay down on the ground to get in the perfect position to photograph the Dalmatian pelicans, while my colleague threw some Pigo fish into the air for them to catch.
15-foot-long great white sharks on the hunt, in False Bay, South Africa - SHOCK and awe pictures of 15-foot-long great whites on the hunt will leave you stunned .
Meet the sisters who have both been diagnosed with a one in 3 .
STAIRWAY obsessed photographers have captured psychedelic shots that will mesmerise you .
Destroyed buildings and overturned cars are seen after a huge tornado struck Moore, Oklahoma, near Oklahoma City, May 20, 2013 .
HOTSPOT MEDIA - LETHAL BIRTHMARK NEARLY SUFFOCATES GIRL: Zoe Mitchell when she was two-weeks-old .
SWIMMING next to 40 tonne whales, dare-devil divers take the plunge with these gentle giants of the sea .
Sarah Gould, before weight loss Mum told "get down the gym fatty" -A 20 stone woman who was told "get down the gym fatty" on a night out has shed a third of her weight in time for her dream wedding .
FROM KISSING an alligator on the nose to walking over broken glass, this fearless daredevil is a real life female JACKASS .
A mother told she had terminal cancer by doctors who ignored her pleas for help 13 times has made a miracle recovery following the UK's first operation of its kind .
A gang whose £1-million supercar scam has echoes of the film Gone In Sixty Seconds has been jailed for a total of 12 years .
A hypnotherapist filmed himself sexually abusing a 19-year-old patient while she was in a trance-like state .
Southern England, the south-west and west Wales have been warned to expect more wild weather, with heavy rain and high tides possibly leading to coastal flooding and travel disruption over the weekend .