MEET the painter who makes his living squirting paint from his EYES. Dripping with cool pictures show how the Latin American artist snorts water-colour paint, places his fingers around his nose and then squirts colours over his canvass. The results are a riot of colour splashed onto the canvass in various EYE-WATERING patterns. Argentinian artist Leandro Granato, 27, learned his special talent for pushing liquid from his nose to his eye from a young age.
A shoe designer from London has spent a whopping £30,000 on Hello Kitty memorabilia .
A LUXURY baby cot has hit the shelves with a price tag just shy of 10 MILLION POUNDS .
A woman branded the Jolly Green Giant by SOLE-crushing school bullies for her whopping size nine feet has had the last laugh by opening a shoe shop for big footed girls .
LUMINOUS green rocks could easily be a beach from Superman's homeland of Krypton .
AN ITALIAN mechanic has created the world’s most ferocious mini-car .
LIKE SUPERMAN carrying a slimy Lois Lane through the air this frog is treating its mate to a flying lesson .
GLIDING through the water, these delightful frogs show off their vibrant colours as they practice their FROG crawl .
GUITARISTS that want to lay down some slick licks will soon be able to get their hands on a brand new guitar - made from oil cans .
SLEEPING within touching distance of wild African animals might not be everyone's idea of a relaxing break .
A northern potoo shows it is a master of disguise as it perches on a tree stump and blends into the bark .
This cheeky chappie is getting into all kinds of monkey business as he enjoys cooling off on a scorching hot day .
SKIPPING on the spot, an adorable little owl embraces the 'running man' challenge .