FEAST your eyes onthe £3K luxury yurts that rock legend Mick Jagger will be basking in between Glastonbury performances this weekend. Towering 20-feet over their neighbours these £3K British chestnut and ash wooden structures are decked out like a Mongolian prince’s nomadic palace. Pictures show “Glasto-glamping” at its most exclusive, with luxury king-sized beds with sideboards, mirrors and candles that are a million miles from the mud and leaky tents most festival revellers with experience this weekend. Not only will the Rolling Stones frontman enjoy his own private yurt, but his money has bought him all the pleasures of the VIP section called Shangri La – luxury toilet and shower block, independent restaurants and even a chauffeur driven buggy that will take him directly to the Pyramid stage for his performances.
WITH HIS PAW covering his mouth, this cheeky cub looks amused by something .
Sophie Carr, 23, from Swindon, was just six when her older brother Alex, then 12, abused her during a game of mummies and daddies .
A photographer has captured spellbinding images of stars swirling above the English countryside .
She is about to start driving and soon will be able to legally buy alcohol and get married, but Poppy Webb-Jones still looks and thinks like a ten-year-old girl .
A medical student has gone from chunky to hunky after being dumped by his ex- girlfriend for being too 'chubby' .
WONDERS of the world have been transformed into their mini-versions in a seven-year round the world adventure .
Fetching a tiny carrot and a head-shaped snowball, a red squirrel builds the perfect snowman .
Have you ever wanted to emulate the Duchess of Cambridge's style? Well, now there's an app for that .
A little brown bear cub shows his doting mum that she is always on parent duty as he uses her as a scratching post .
Jostling their quills into the noses of some unlucky cubs, this is the moment two feisty porcupines ALMOST defeat a pride of seven lions .
With stunning scenery and otherworldly vistas, Iceland’s rural beauty is inescapable – especially for Hollywood .
A quiet Himalayan mountain village springs to life for a colourful Buddhist festival designed to expel evil spirits and bring happiness .