WITH A STERN look of determination on their faces, these adorable pooches perfect their doggy paddle as they dive head first into a swimming pool. The dogs bare their teeth and have their eyes on the prize as they dive underwater to retrieve their beloved toys. By shooting from the bottom of a swimming pool, underwater portrait and dog photographer Jonny Simpson-Lee was able to capture a series of unique canine expressions. The 42-year-old, of Pulborough, West Sussex, says: "Freezing the moment a dog breaks through the surface of the water in pursuit of a toy or treat often captures it's primeval hunting instinct and is exaggerated by the way it's body takes on fascinating forms within the water.”
PERCHED on a branch, these two frogs hold hands as they look into the camera .
AN ITALIAN mechanic has created the world’s most ferocious mini-car .
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
At least three people have been killed and more than 100 injured, some seriously, in two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon .
FROM a HOLLYWOOD actress to the face of an innocent child, these are incredible drawings with an unlikely twist .
THIS is the fascinating abandoned house, complete with mystery portraits and homely items, that has been dubbed - crooked cottage .
From foster care to the MAGICAL world of cosplay, a young girl’s dreams become reality after being adopted by a photography loving couple .
An American black bear mimics John Travolta’s famous Saturday Night Fever dance move by hurling its arm in the air .
Like a scene from a fairytale, THOUSANDS of fireflies create an enchanting glow as they dance in a forest .
AN ARRAY of colours, from pinks to blues and oranges, fill the night sky to create an amazing collection of interstellar patterns .