LIFTING their heads high and bumping beaks, these aggressive pelicans clash over fish. The birds jostle with one another as fish is thrown into the lake in Greece. The food fight was photographed in Lake Kerkini in Sintiki, Greece by Jiri Michal. The 34-year-old Czech engineer says: “I lay down on the ground to get in the perfect position to photograph the Dalmatian pelicans, while my colleague threw some Pigo fish into the air for them to catch.
Peering curiously into a basket hanging off the arms of a snowman, this little squirrel appears fascinated by the snowy figure .
Southern England, the south-west and west Wales have been warned to expect more wild weather, with heavy rain and high tides possibly leading to coastal flooding and travel disruption over the weekend .
AN ARRAY of colours, from pinks to blues and oranges, fill the night sky to create an amazing collection of interstellar patterns .
An Indonesian farmer is dragged through muddy water as he clings to the tails of two charging cows .
Exploding out of the water, a great white shark performs a backflip during a hunt for seals .
WITH their robotic movements and pristine uniforms, these are the sexy traffic girls of North Korea that are becoming iconic figures in the secretive state .
This longhorn beetle demon-strates a dark side as it looks just like the devil .
TOWERING 65 metres into the sky, this terrifying accent is a dream for climbers .
Sam Notaro built his own flood defences to protect his four-bedroom home in Moorland, Somerset Flooding is likely to get worse around Somerset as groundwater levels continue to rise .
SAILING peacefully across a river in the early morning light, a fisherman in China keeps a 1000 year old tradition alive .
With the full moon looming behind him, this polar bear nestles down for the night .