Two people have been arrested after a man and woman were shot dead at a house in the Midlands in the early hours of this morning. In Pic- Crime scene: A policeman stands guard outside the house on Laneside Gardens believed to be where a man and a woman were gunned down in the early hours of this morning. Police swooped to arrest a 23-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman after the victims were discovered in a property on Laneside Gardens, Wallsall, West Midlands. Officers immediately cordoned off the property and the cul-de-sac as an investigation was launched into the circumstances of the deaths.Ambulance crews called police to the home at 1.37am after they found two people at the scene with serious gunshot wounds. Despite the best efforts of paramedics, both the man and the woman died at the scene.
STOOD side by side next to a busy road, these buildings were once bustling with life .
At least three people have been killed and more than 100 injured, some seriously, in two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon .
FLYING through the air, these delighted pooches pull their best poses mid-flight .
SWIMMING slowly towards the shore, a small group of bottlenose dolphins arrive for breakfast at a beach in Western Australia .
WITH A STERN look of determination on their faces, these adorable pooches perfect their doggy paddle as they dive head first into a swimming pool .
A host of websites that are almost twenty years old are collecting a cult following thanks to their retro appeal .
A TEN-THOUSAND square foot wide Avatar-style grove is such a beauty it will leave you feeling VINE .
CARRYING a fully grown goat on his back, this five-year-old boy is a child shepherd in the mountains of northern Ethiopia .
A COUNCIL has come under fire for slapping fines on people’s GRAVESTONES for breaching petty regulations on pot plants .
It’s a role reversal in the Visayan Sea as HUNDREDS of tiny, glistening eggs are carried around inside the mouth of their cardinalfish father .
A DETERMINED great blue heron holds on tightly to its prey as the furry gopher attempts to wriggle free .