A psychology student from California looks so much like Game of Thrones' Jon Snow that he is mobbed by fans of the fantasy show. With his curly black hair and smouldering eyes, 22-year-old Zak McIntosh, of Fresno, California, is the double of British actor Kit Harington, who plays Snow in the HBO series. Zak, a student at Fresno State University, attended Sacramento's Wizard World Comic Con wearing a $500 replica costume and he was quickly surrounded by fans.
LIKE A living balloon this baitball of sardines is ready to burst when threatened by a pointy nosed sailfish .
VENTURING into the ocean with self-made spears and nets, the fishermen of Zanzibar put their lives on the line when they catch food for their families .
Animal rescue volunteers have told how a cat riddled with cancer was forced to ripped off its own ears after it was abandoned by its owners .
SPARKLING bright inside their box, it’s hard to believe these diamonds are made from the cremated remains of the deceased .
STARING intently into the camera, a polar bear appears to be lost in thought while relaxing in the snow .
A BAMBI was dramatically caught in mid-air by a greedy Nile crocodile in a once-in-a-million flying pincer move .
Surveying its surroundings, a tiny harvest mouse climbs the stem of a dandelion .
TENNIS was a game made for three according to the first Victorian rule book .
THIS is the fascinating abandoned house, complete with mystery portraits and homely items, that has been dubbed - crooked cottage .
SEA LIFE and greenery in one shot show nature at its very best .
Peering curiously into a basket hanging off the arms of a snowman, this little squirrel appears fascinated by the snowy figure .