A psychology student from California looks so much like Game of Thrones' Jon Snow that he is mobbed by fans of the fantasy show. With his curly black hair and smouldering eyes, 22-year-old Zak McIntosh, of Fresno, California, is the double of British actor Kit Harington, who plays Snow in the HBO series. Zak, a student at Fresno State University, attended Sacramento's Wizard World Comic Con wearing a $500 replica costume and he was quickly surrounded by fans.
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
A Romanian photographer has captured the unique patterns of hundreds of human eyes in a series of striking macro shots .
If you had to scrape the snow off your car this morning or slip-slide your way into work over icy pavements spare a thought for these little critters .
WITH A LITTLE cap of fresh snow resting on his head, this squirrel tries his best to pull off his new look .
BEHIND the doors of this building, with its stacks of mattresses and discarded remains of wheelchairs, lies another victim of austerity cuts .
The beds are consumed by moss instead of customers at this abandoned hotel .
This frozen lighthouse in Michigan could easily be mistaken for a still from the snow swept disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow .
HEART-MELTING shots of a French bulldog and a ten-month-old French baby could be the cutest you’re likely to see .
WELCOME to what could be the world's tallest TOTALLY wooden construction .
DIPPING and diving their way through this bumpy journey, these giraffe's duck for cover as they dodge multiple cables and wires .
Gigantic 100ft waves create the perfect playground for dare-devil surfers from across the world .
With one hand rested on his belly and the other propping his head up, this lazy lizard takes an afternoon break .