This artist had a lot of bottle to re-create a masterpiece painted with nothing but 24 litres of cola.
This daredevil wildebeest tried a walk on the wild side - straight into the snatches of a huge 18 foot crocodile.
A man who conned tax officials out of £34 million and funded a lavish lifestyle of luxury hotels and restaurants has been jailed for one of the longest sentences in British criminal fraud history.
At first glance it might look like someone has taken their revenge on the makers of those infuriating insurance ads.
A disabled sheep is enjoying a new fleece of life after receiving a specially-designed wheelchair.
This is the amazing moment two white-tailed kites take an in-flight meal - exchanging prey at 100 foot high in mid air.
A Kermit the Frog toy made famous by travelling the world is still globehopping, having racked up an incredible 420,000 kilometres to some of the world's furthest flung places.
Meet the human CCTV: a PCSO with a memory for faces so sharp he has apprehended more than 130 suspects in the last year alone with his eagle eyed talents.
A man who spent 30 minutes impaled on iron railings after attempting to scale an 8ft fence has told of his agonising ordeal - and how he suffered a similar mishap as a child.
Commuters were put in a HOLE lot of trouble after trains were cancelled by a hole created by BADGERS.
A deranged dad beat his girlfriend so savagely in a vicious 30 minute attack that the indent of his sovereign ring was left on her face.
These are the fascinating pictures of miniature table sculptures molded around bonsai trees that take up to a painstaking 18 months to create.
This Robin Reliant appears to have taken a wrong turn after it ended up 15 feet high up in a TREE.
Meet the real-life Little Bo Peep - a young woman who spends her days tending to her four pet SHEEP.
One sheepdog is taking a well-deserved rest after giving birth to a whole WHEELBARROW-FUL of puppies.