FEAST your eyes on the £500K coin-covered Range Rover that could be the world’s most blinged-out car. Despite being covered in an incredible half-ton of silver, zinc and copper coins the British-designed SUV is still capable of beating the UK speed-limit with a top-speed of 75 miles-per-hour. The 57,412 coins have been glued to the Dubai-registered four-wheel-drive and each is worth up to two-pounds-each, which could cause its driver to lose a small-fortune in change if he or she drives over a speed-bump too quickly. However, the car’s owner, Dubai sales manager Ali Hassan Gharib, 29, insists that his technique for gluing the coins is so good he’ll never be left short changed by his coin-covered car.
Exibiting their superhuman strength these ants look ready to create an art attack by lifting pencils several thousand times their own weight .
Some parents would gasp at the thought of their children playing with a toy gun, but these Russian children are actually encouraged to take up real arms .
An Italian photographer travelled to Chile where he visited several star-gazing sites, home to some of the world's most advanced telescopes, located in the spectacular setting of the Atacama desert .
COURAGEOUS climbers descend 400 metres as they manoeuvre their way through thick walls of ice .
A mother-of-three who weighed almost 16st has revealed how she lost 7 .
SITTING on a burning sofa unable to move, one man turns his terrifying dreams into reality .
A skydiver cheated death after plunging 13,000 feet without his parachute opening but survived after landing in a bog .
A personal trainer who was dumped over a life-changing sleep disorder has finally found love .
Working at a height of 36,000ft, pilots may have the best view in the world .
A Brit photographer has captured one of the world's most camera-shy species of fish - during a game of underwater peek-a-boo .