RAISING his flipper, this two day old seal pup gives a wave to the camera. After an afternoon of relaxing on the beach, he finally decides to acknowledge his audience as he rolls around in the sand. This adorable seal was photographed by German photographer Jeannette Rudloff, 36, after she spotted the young pup waving on the Island of Heligoland, Germany. 'This small grey seal was not moving too much at first, as he was only a few days old,' says Jeannette, of Morfelden.
A woman whose face and body was left scarred for life by angry sores, caused by Lupus, has become a diversity model .
A Birmingham man inspired by sci-fi film Wall-E, has created a one- wheeled vehicle, controlled by signals from his BRAIN .
Pouncing down on top of his twin brother, these two snow leopard cubs practice their kung-fu moves .
It’s a role reversal in the Visayan Sea as HUNDREDS of tiny, glistening eggs are carried around inside the mouth of their cardinalfish father .
A fox takes a tumble and lands on his head when he tries to fend off a pair of eagles in Japan .
STARING eagerly into the camera, this little toad is full of curiosity .
HEART-MELTING shots of a French bulldog and a ten-month-old French baby could be the cutest you’re likely to see .
Tina O’Brien, 54, from East Midlands, met Frederick Allchorne, now 62, when she was 15 .
An adorable black bear cub struggles to find the perfect spot for an afternoon nap as he wriggles around on the branch of a maple tree .
SWIMMING slowly towards the shore, a small group of bottlenose dolphins arrive for breakfast at a beach in Western Australia .