SEA LIFE and greenery in one shot show nature at its very best. With the stunning aqua blue colours and crystal clear waters, you could be mistaken into thinking these photographs had been digitally enhanced. But they are in fact the work of New Zealand photographer Chris Mclennan, when he decided to explore what lay beneath the surface in the Bora Bora Lagoon, France. Chris, 49, was able to capture these images whilst snorkelling in the pure waters
Meet the sisters who have both been diagnosed with a one in 3 .
Kevin Silva, 52 from Indiana in the USA, has spent an estimated £65K ($100K) on Batman trinkets over the years, and even keeps his 2,500-item haul in his very own basement 'Bat Cave' .
It’s a role reversal in the Visayan Sea as HUNDREDS of tiny, glistening eggs are carried around inside the mouth of their cardinalfish father .
AN expectant mum suffered crippling contractions lasting a gruelling two months, due to complications from a rare condition .
SAILING peacefully across a river in the early morning light, a fisherman in China keeps a 1000 year old tradition alive .
With blue waves tumbling over them, these surfers glide underneath a tunnel of water .
A woman with an irrational fear of toilets goes POTTY on the loo and runs away when she flushes, terrified it will swallow her up .
A mother-of-four has revealed how, like the Beckhams, she’s added an outside toilet to her home .
More weather chaos is heading our way, with ice and snow already hitting areas across Birmingham .
An Australian explorer has travelled the globe with a toy pig, known as Travel Piggy, in search of a missing cuddly companion .
A mining town in Australia’s outback appears to be completely deserted, but its residents have escaped the scorching heat by living in underground caves .