A terrified moose, trapped in a frozen lake, bobs her head above the icey water and awaits her rescue. Weighing nearly 36 stone, the female moose was lucky to survive after she slipped through the ice that formed over Muncho Lake in northern British Columbia, Canada. The moose was rescued by travellers, truck drivers and locals after they spotted the animal's head bobbing above the ice.
The beds are consumed by moss instead of customers at this abandoned hotel .
VIBRANT bursts of colour fill the screen as beautiful flowers blossom in these time-lapse videos .
A toddler has shrugged off death an incredible 10 times thanks to his parents who revive him with the kiss of life every two weeks .
Swirling water and sand create amazing aerial images of river deltas across Iceland .
A Crohn's sufferer has told of her humiliation after she soiled herself when a Co-op staff member reportedly refused to let her use the toilet .
A woman has told how she saved the life of her own rapist after he overdosed on pills shortly after attacking her .
A Canadian couple celebrated their engagement by recreating iconic moments from the film The Notebook .
HUDDLED together on a branch, a pair of adorable Javan scops owls soak up the sun .
FOR TWO memory-impaired parents their new-born baby Cian is a living timekeeper .
WELCOME to the drawing room that is home to the £100K world’s greatest collection of Margaret Thatcher autographed objects .
A carefree bear cub reclines in the water with his feet raised in the air .
THE CRAZE for mimicking the video game Streetfighter has spread to the streets of London .