A terrified moose, trapped in a frozen lake, bobs her head above the icey water and awaits her rescue. Weighing nearly 36 stone, the female moose was lucky to survive after she slipped through the ice that formed over Muncho Lake in northern British Columbia, Canada. The moose was rescued by travellers, truck drivers and locals after they spotted the animal's head bobbing above the ice.
Pic By HotSpot Media - PARROT RIDES ON THE TUBE - THIS pretty boy could be forgiven for forgetting his Oyst-aaarrrgh-card .
SKIPPING on the spot, an adorable little owl embraces the 'running man' challenge .
THESE kaleidoscopic-like photographs capture England’s churches and cathedrals in all their glory .
In June 2023, Aimee da Cunha, 33, from Perth, Australia, was boiling potatoes on the stove when her two-year-old daughter, Hailey, knocked the pan of water over her .
A woman has told how she saved the life of her own rapist after he overdosed on pills shortly after attacking her .
At first glance what might look like ordinary rusty bridge and road railings, are in fact amazing works of art .
Surveying its surroundings, a tiny harvest mouse climbs the stem of a dandelion .
A grey whale and her calf greet an audience of awestruck admirers on the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico .
Most women would jump at the chance to put on some lipstick, sling on a pair of heels and head out for a romantic meal with their other half .
FOR TWO memory-impaired parents their new-born baby Cian is a living timekeeper .
A man has spent almost £100K on lip fillers, Botox and designer clothing in a bid to look like Kim Kardashian .
A woman who blew £12k of her student loan on junk food and booze has lost 10st after ditching her unhealthy habits .