With the vivid red smoke billowing into the sky amid the misty sand dunes, these are the blissful views provided at the break of dawn at a volcano. The spectacular pictures were captured at sunrise and sunset of Mount Bromo in Indonesia by landscape photographer Helminadia Jabur. It is known for its breath-taking views at first light and it did not fail to disappoint when the 36-year-old visited the volcano, which is one of the most visited tourist attractions in East Java. Helminadia said: ‘The volcano is noted for its spectacular sunrises, and majestic views all the way to Semeru volcano which is located further behind it, so ever since I saw some images of the volcano, I just could not help myself to visit the area and capture it.
A woman whose face and body was left scarred for life by angry sores, caused by Lupus, has become a diversity model .
INSIDE Britain's last Naval hospital where scurvy was cured looks like an NHS time capsule .
An adorable black bear cub struggles to find the perfect spot for an afternoon nap as he wriggles around on the branch of a maple tree .
SITTING quietly at the edge of the lake, these two baby bears watch and learn as the adults hunt for fish .
A mum-of-one has revealed how her one-year-old daughter suffered second and third degree burns to 22% of her body after pouring boiling water over herself .
A brave cricket takes his chances as he sits on top of this green papua tree frog .
A pair of adorable polar bear cubs play-fight with each other in the Alaskan snow .
This starling and prairie dog will not back down an inch as they have a fearsome stand-off over who gets to eat a nut .
A woman has lost over 13st after beating her addiction to POTATOES .
When personal trainer, Victoria Spence dreamt of achieving a thigh gap, she didn't realise her obsession would leave her body gripped by anorexia .
A photographer from the United Arab Emirates travelled to Pakistan where he captured the lives of local people in a series of expressive portraits .
A curious red squirrel takes a break from collecting nuts and tries her hand at photography .