A trout manages to escape the jaws of a hungry cormorant - only to find itself back inside the bird's long beak. Balancing on the predator's feathered head, the fish almost escapes. Luck, however, was not on the trout's side and seconds later he was flipped back into the air before being swallowed by the cormorant. This moment was captured by American photographer Andrew Lee, 52, when he spotted the slippery fight on a trip to Long Beach, California.
WELCOME to the 125 decibel boombox bus that could damage your hearing if you party too close to its giant speakers .
LIKE A living balloon this baitball of sardines is ready to burst when threatened by a pointy nosed sailfish .
A northern potoo shows it is a master of disguise as it perches on a tree stump and blends into the bark .
Enjoying life’s little pleasures is something that many struggle to do .
The mother of a young woman stabbed 26 times by her ex-partner for having a secret abortion has told how her daughter was cruelly betrayed by her own social worker .
A former food addict who had spent her whole life dreaming of romance shed an astonishing 12st 7lbs to experience love for the first time .
Sarah Gould, before weight loss Mum told "get down the gym fatty" -A 20 stone woman who was told "get down the gym fatty" on a night out has shed a third of her weight in time for her dream wedding .
Leaping out of the ocean, a group of gentoo penguins fly through the air before landing safely on an iceberg .
An adorable baby girl was born with a heart-shaped birthmark on her forehead - after being conceived on Valentine's Day .
Heart pounding, Rebecca Cain jumped as a car door slammed on the street outside .
A BABY-faced burglar is starting a seven year stretch in custody after being nabbed by a Jaffa Cake .
SURROUNDED by a snowstorm, these young polar bears battle the elements - as well as each other .