A trout manages to escape the jaws of a hungry cormorant - only to find itself back inside the bird's long beak. Balancing on the predator's feathered head, the fish almost escapes. Luck, however, was not on the trout's side and seconds later he was flipped back into the air before being swallowed by the cormorant. This moment was captured by American photographer Andrew Lee, 52, when he spotted the slippery fight on a trip to Long Beach, California.
FOR TWO memory-impaired parents their new-born baby Cian is a living timekeeper .
COURAGEOUS CLIMBERS scale frozen waterfalls in Canada, as the ice threatens to collapse beneath them .
AN ADORABLE one-eyed kitten has been dubbed the 'pirate cat' because of his pirate-like facial expressions .
THIS may look like a dolphin through jumping hoops, but it is in fact nothing more than a clever 3D pencil drawing .
STRIKING photos capture nature at its most raw and powerful during Earth’s most electrifying event .
A man who developed anorexia as a teen has told that dying for 20 minutes helped shock him into recovery .
WITHOUT a care in the world, this little chimpanzee shows off her gymnastic skills as she swings around her enclosure .
A mum-of-one was left looking like a ‘monster’ after suffering a horrific allergic reaction to hair dye while pregnant .
A personal trainer who was dumped over a life-changing sleep disorder has finally found love .
SOARING at 112 miles per hour through the air, this petite blonde certainly lives up to her title as the fastest flying woman in the world .