LEAPING through the air this determined little mouse is on a mission for food. With a spring in his step he flings himself one foot back and forth across the room as he collects his seeds for the winter. The adorable little wood mouse was photographed by retired farmer Chris Robbins, after he spotted the tiny creature stealing some bird seed from the shed in the back garden of his house in Launceston, Cornwall. ‘This all took place in my garden shed where I store my bird seed,’ says 57-year-old Chris.
Exibiting their superhuman strength these ants look ready to create an art attack by lifting pencils several thousand times their own weight .
A GIRL nicknamed JAWS by bullies who taunted her because of her underbite is em-bracing her new post-surgery life .
HMS Ark Royal arrives in the Turkish port of Aliaga at the ship scrapping firm Leyal’s yard .
A nine year old girl nearly lost her leg after doctors initially misdiagnosed her bone cancer as a pulled muscle .
From vivid greens to glowing pinks, the colours of the aurora borealis fill the night sky above a snow covered Lapland .
For years Jeorgia Woodd, 30, abused her body, having succumbed to a condition known as 'diabulimia' .
LIKE A scene from A Bugs Life, these ants work on creating their own mini community .
NATURE PAPARAZZIS prove you don't have to be Justin Bieber or Cheryl Cole to attract a pack of photographers .
BLOWING bubbles underwater, this adorable polar bear slides into his tank for a playful dip .
A TEN-THOUSAND square foot wide Avatar-style grove is such a beauty it will leave you feeling VINE .
PUSHING the diver out of his way, this little sea turtle shows he’s not in the mood for photographs .
Meet the dog-loving woman who spends £20k a year looking after her 30 pet PUGS .