A cheeky gorilla sticks her tongue out and plays up for the camera at Bronx Zoo. After a morning spent wandering around her enclosure, the restless ape finally sits down to relax, but not before showing off numerous facial expressions. Israeli zoologist and wildlife photographer Michal Samuni-Blank photographed the playful western lowland gorilla when she visited Bronx Zoo in New York. Michal of New York, says: “The gorilla’s name is Julia and she has a very special personality. She is very outgoing and is one of a few gorillas in the zoo that interacts with the visitors.
A mum-of-one was left looking like a ‘monster’ after suffering a horrific allergic reaction to hair dye while pregnant .
A woman who suffered from an allergic reaction to hair dye that made her face swell to twice its size has been left too scared to leave the house .
A US firefighter has battled osteoarthritis and four hip replacements to break the world paddleboarding record .
A woman left disfigured and traumatised by an addiction to lip filler injections has issued a warning to others searching for the perfect pout after the plastic chemicals nearly killed her .
NEVER mind being careful not to choke on your food, this mother bird has a bigger challenge on her hands, as her ravenous offspring impatiently launches its head down into her stomach .
Meet the dog-loving woman who spends £20k a year looking after her 30 pet PUGS .
While the various controversies rumble on regarding transport, security issues and overly-officious copyright enforcement, a couple of designers is saying what we're all thinking about the Olympics - and putting it on bags .
LIKE A scene from A Bugs Life, these ants work on creating their own mini community .
A mum-of-two has revealed how her childhood friend of 20 years attacked her with a cosh and broke her nose in a vicious attack .
Pic By HotSpot Media - SWASTIKA’S SPRAYED ON MOSQUE - RACIST graffiti including swastikas have been emblazoned on a £2 .
LINED up one by one on a deer’s back, these little birds give their wings a break as they catch a ride across London .