A woman has told how she fled to Australia, after a one night stand burned down her house. Scarlet O’Connor, 23, was terrorised by jilted Aiden Feeney, 24, who bombarded her with thousands of texts after the pair slept together in August 2013. Feeney's campaign of terror finally ended when he was arrested for setting fire to her house. He was found guilty of arson with intent to endanger life and two counts of harassment and jailed for eight and a half years in August last year. Despite Feeney being behind bars, Scarlet is still haunted by the memories and has been forced to start a new life on the other side of the world.
A schoolboy is the envy of his friends due to a one in 14-million condition which means he can only eat FRY-UPS to survive .
A teacher has told how she was attacked by a murderer on her way home from a night out but courageously managed to charm him out of strangling her .
The gunslingers are long gone and tumbleweeds have taken over at this abandoned American Wild West Theme Park in Cornwall .
AN ITALIAN mechanic has created the world’s most ferocious mini-car .
A soldier who lost both legs and an arm in Afghanistan has found love with a blonde bombshell he met through his newfound passion for rally driving .
A former cosmetic rep who swapped make-up for a career as a Marilyn Monroe lookalike has pocketed a staggering $4million (£2,630,000) as a full-time doppelgänger .
A woman with a rare allergy to water has told how the condition is so severe it prevents her from KISSING her fiance .
SPARKLING bright inside their box, it’s hard to believe these diamonds are made from the cremated remains of the deceased .
A proud stag attempts to impress the females by donning an enormous fern headdress in London's Bushy Park .
SHOVELLING food into his mouth, this hungry gorilla enjoys a peaceful moment at dinner time .
Pic By HotSpot Media - ‘WORLD’S SMALLEST CINEMA’ IN OAP’S HOUSE -IN PIC- AN OAP film buff has brought the big screen to his home and built the world's smallest cinema in his BEDROOM .
WOMB STROKE SURVIVOR AMAZES DOCS BY TAKING FIRST STEPS - A little girl who suffered a catastrophic stroke in the womb which would have killed an adult has stunned the medical world by learning to walk, talk and see .