It’s a role reversal in the Visayan Sea as HUNDREDS of tiny, glistening eggs are carried around inside the mouth of their cardinalfish father. The dedicated dad takes a break from eating as he carries the eggs until they hatch, while the female continues her routine as normal. The nocturnal male cardinalfish appears to glow in the darkness as it proudly displays his brood. The stunning photographs were captured by 39-year-old photographer Marcello Di Francesco while on a trip around the Philippine Islands.
A TAXIDERMY truck spotted in America’s Deep South could be the most gruesome wagon on the road.
A woman has celebrated the end of her marriage to her unfaithful husband by throwing herself a DIVORCE PARTY.
AIRPORT staff have been put on alert after diet pills that come in grenade shaped containers sparked security alerts.
Thousands of people are gathering at a stadium in Johannesburg for a memorial service for Nelson Mandela.
Kaitlin pictured aged nine - Heart pounding, Kaitlin Womack stared in shock at a Facebook post on her phone.
SPARKLING bright inside their box, it’s hard to believe these diamonds are made from the cremated remains of the deceased.
Oday she is a picture of health - a happy, smiling child, enjoying life to the full.
SLEEPING within touching distance of wild African animals might not be everyone's idea of a relaxing break.
Meet the sisters who have both been diagnosed with a one in 3.
An American black bear mimics John Travolta’s famous Saturday Night Fever dance move by hurling its arm in the air.
EXPERTLY camouflaged, this clever panther chameleon knows how to catch its prey by surprise.