A terrifying prankster has given unsuspecting urban explorers the fright of their lives. Photographers visiting an abandoned hospital were shocked to discover they were not alone. A figure dressed as an owl, quietly stalking the empty corridors of the dilapidated building, was on hand to scare the urban explorers. The haunting Owlman creature is the creation of filmmaker Lawrie Brewster, who has had his films screened at the Sundance Film Festival and South by Southwest.
From a floating jelly fish to a relaxed seal, Britain’s unappreciated beach life is captured above and below the water.
A woman whose face and body was left scarred for life by angry sores, caused by Lupus, has become a diversity model.
A hungry hippo is seconds away from catching a bird in its gigantic jaws.
A woman branded the Jolly Green Giant by SOLE-crushing school bullies for her whopping size nine feet has had the last laugh by opening a shoe shop for big footed girls.
Most people have an angel at the top of their Christmas tree, but one bear at Chester Zoo decided he wanted to be the star of the show.
A teenager bullied for having birthmarks all over her body now hopes to become a Hollywood actress to show girls that beauty comes from being unique.
Fishermen in Myanmar have perfected an unusual fishing technique by carefully balancing on one leg.
SHOVELLING food into his mouth, this hungry gorilla enjoys a peaceful moment at dinner time.
Enjoying life’s little pleasures is something that many struggle to do.
While most Brits look forward to long hot summer days, a mum-of-six will be staying in the shade - as she is allergic to the sun.
A mum-of-three lost half of her body weight after her daughter was teased by playground bullies for having a 'fat mum'.
Leaping out of the ocean, a group of gentoo penguins fly through the air before landing safely on an iceberg.