A soap bubble lands on the frosty ground and creates a shimmering snow globe as crystals form around it. Pictured under the winter sun, the bubbles glow as sunlight bounces off their surface. Photographer Hope Thurston Carter captured the images after blowing the soap bubbles on several freezing days in Michigan. The 52-year-old, of Martin, Michigan, says: 'I got the idea to blow bubbles outside in the winter after I saw several similar photos on the internet.
A woman who starved herself to look like Cheryl Cole has told how she shrunk to just under 5st 13lbs after developing anorexia .
FROM ICE bubbles to boiling lava, these photographs highlight the stunning shapes and patterns found in nature .
LIKE SUPERMAN carrying a slimy Lois Lane through the air this frog is treating its mate to a flying lesson .
A shoe designer from London has spent a whopping £30,000 on Hello Kitty memorabilia .
Pic By HotSpot Media - REVELLER'S NEW BEST FRIEND -IN PIC- MEET the revellers new best friend – an interactive sign that will direct you to the nearest happy hour .
Say cheese! This cheeky chappy isn’t in the mood to live up to his scary reputation as he is pictured here cracking a killer smile as he goes about his daily business .
A mum has celebrated each of her four pregnancies with a host of wacky stunts - including acrobatics, aerial contortion, pole-dancing and risque photo shoots .
FOR most restaurateurs, the phrase ‘the customer is always right’ is gospel .
A talented artist has created artwork with a KICKIN' twist by painting on his pregnant wife's bump .
ALL IS not as it seems in these deceptive cityscapes .
A mum from Gloucestershire has accepted her four-year-old twin son’s decision to live full time as a girl - and is now letting him wear a skirt to school .
A brave leopard kicks back and relaxes in the sunshine - just inches from an enormous crocodile .