A proud gorilla mum welcomes her newborn baby western lowland gorilla, a critically endangered species. The adorable baby gorilla was born at approximately 9.15am on Thursday 3rd January at Twycross Zoo, Leicestershire. Mum, Ozala, experienced a natural and stress-free birth and is keeping the new arrival very close to her. Curator of Living Collections, Charlotte Macdonald, said: “Ozala is a confident, attentive mother and is taking great care of her baby. The baby’s father, our silverback Oumbie, is gentle but protective and is showing a lot of interest in the infant. On the day of the baby’s birth he was very inquisitive, sitting beside Ozala and putting his face right up to the baby to smell it. In time, he will touch and play with the baby but for now he lets Ozala take things at her own pace.” The western lowland gorilla is listed as 'critically endangered' on the IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species, as there are estimated to be fewer than 100,000 left in the wild.
Britons have finally received some good news about the weather with temperatures expected to reach 30 degrees this weekend .
FLOATING effortlessly on his back, this little otter laps up a rare glimmer of English spring sunshine .
SAT with his arms folded and a cross look on his face, this Gorilla looks like he's had enough of the Christmas holidays already .
Bathers on a New Zealand beach stripped naked and took to the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to shatter the record for the world's largest skinny dip .
A mum has warned of the dangers of child eating disorders, after her 10-year-old daughter developed anorexia when school bullies branded her ‘FAT’ .
A Hereford woman has lost 10st 3lbs after ditching her £260-a-month takeaway habit .
An American woman whose skin turned silver after using nose drops is warning people of the dangers of medicines containing the metal .
Magical photos of your baby smiling for the first time are a priceless treasure for many a proud parent .
THEIR gnarling teeth at the ready, these two baboons fight it out for the last piece of fruit .
Like a scene from a fairytale, THOUSANDS of fireflies create an enchanting glow as they dance in a forest .
A German photographer travelled around Africa where he met and photographed members of tribes in a series of intimate portraits .
SLEEPING within touching distance of wild African animals might not be everyone's idea of a relaxing break .