A woman whose daughter committed suicide after being raped as a child, has revealed she donated her organs - saving four peoples’ lives. In May 2022, Tracey Hackling, 49, made the heart-breaking decision to turn off her daughter, Shannon’s life-support machine after she tragically took an overdose. Following the 20-year-old’s death, a child received her heart. Her lungs are now breathing air for a lady who was running out of time, and a man who'd been waiting for over three years received one kidney and her pancreas. Her other kidney went to a young man in his 20s who had been waiting over three years for a transplant. Even her bones are being used for amputee patients while her blood and cells have gone to hundreds more. Now Tracey is raising awareness of organ donors and is campaigning for better mental health services for young people who have experienced trauma.
THIS unique holiday accommodation allows you to enjoy a full Flintstones experience.
A talented 16st pole dancer who was once dubbed a 'disgusting human form' by online trolls is fighting back to show her bullies that big is beautiful.
FISTS fly as two gorillas take each other on in a dramatic battle.
FEAST your eyes on the £500K coin-covered Range Rover that could be the world’s most blinged-out car.
While the various controversies rumble on regarding transport, security issues and overly-officious copyright enforcement, a couple of designers is saying what we're all thinking about the Olympics - and putting it on bags.
Daniel Blore, 21, of Innage Crescent, Bridgnorth, stabbed his mother three times in the attack on January 11 this year, Stafford Crown Court heard.
A skydiver cheated death after plunging 13,000 feet without his parachute opening but survived after landing in a bog.
A SPECTACULAR array of stars fills the night sky as they soar over this active volcano.
The lighthouses of Brittany, from Brest to Le Conquet, stand tall on France’s north-western coast against stunning scenery.
The rock restaurant, located in Zanzibar – THIS unique restaurant really does boast breath-taking views - as it is perched on a rock in the middle of the sea.
THIS RING of fire in the sky is the annular solar eclipse that wowed our cousins down-under.