CLIMBING, falling and tugging on his weary mum, this little orangutan is up to all kinds of trouble. The cheeky youngster was photographed by Indian photographer Manoj Kumar Tuteja, 27, after he spotted him messing around with his mum whilst on a trip to Singapore Zoo. 'It's the unusual behaviour of the baby orangutan which is most attractive in these photos,' says Manoj, now of Singapore.
SAILING peacefully across a river in the early morning light, a fisherman in China keeps a 1000 year old tradition alive .
Pic By HotSpot Media - WORLD’S FASTEST AMPHIBIOUS CAR -IN PIC- THE FASTEST amphibious car in the world is capable of a hair-raising 44 miles-per-hour on the water .
NATURE PAPARAZZIS prove you don't have to be Justin Bieber or Cheryl Cole to attract a pack of photographers .
A survivor of abuse has bravely waived her anonymity to tell how she was sexually assaulted from the age of nine - by her depraved grandad .
WE’RE all familiar with the heart-wrenching pictures of dogs abandoned in animal shelters, but one photographer has found an innovative way of showcasing the pooch’s personality .
A Romanian photographer has captured the unique patterns of hundreds of human eyes in a series of striking macro shots .
A mother-of-one has told how she nearly died after contracting toxic shock syndrome from a tampon .
THIS unique holiday accommodation allows you to enjoy a full Flintstones experience .
A father-of-one stunned his wife of twenty-five years after revealing his secret love of POLE DANCING .
Kelly Harvey, 30 and new boyfriend Ryan Archbold -A bereaved wife once voted Mum Of The Year has been convicted of benefit fraud after claiming widow's allowance long after her new partner had moved in .