An adorable young fallow deer peers over its shoulder and is greeted by a cheeky jackdaw crow sitting on its back. Surrounded by misty woodland in south-west London, the pair appear to have escaped from a scene in Walt Disney's classic 1942 animated film, Bambi. The moment was captured by 54-year-old photographer Val Saxby at Bushy Park in Richmond upon Thames, London.
A mum has warned of the dangers of child eating disorders, after her 10-year-old daughter developed anorexia when school bullies branded her ‘FAT’ .
A little caterpillar fearlessly scampers down a branch and confronts a praying mantis .
A German photographer travelled around Africa where he met and photographed members of tribes in a series of intimate portraits .
WENDY Randall, 16, from Kent is now training to be a bodybuilder after recovering from anorexia .
A couple have got engaged after the bride-to-be’s boyfriend set her a Facebook ‘likes’ challenge .
A stunning ice cave in Iceland is illuminated by sunlight as the bright blue ice appears glow inside .
THIS astonishing film shows the moment a hit-and-run driver ploughed into a woman and a toddler on a Coventry street .
A woman has lost an incredible 13st after a group of men cruelly threw a kebab at her as she walked down the street .
EAGERLY BITING his nails, this little squirrel is clearly nervous of looming predators as he searches for his meal .
The family of a disabled boy who died in a tragic accident at a care home have received a four figure payout after an inquest heard carers allowed him to fall rather than restrain him because of "health and safety" fears .
Commuters were put in a HOLE lot of trouble after trains were cancelled by a hole created by BADGERS .