An adorable black bear cub struggles to find the perfect spot for an afternoon nap as he wriggles around on the branch of a maple tree. The five month old scamp refused to sit still, having climbed the tree trunk with his mum and sibling. The restless cub was photographed by Canadian wildlife photographer Megan Lorenz, 38, whilst she was watching these beautiful animals relax at Georgian Bay, Ontario. 'I came across a female bear and her two cubs resting in a tree,' says Megan, of Etobicoke, Ontario.
Pic By HotSpot Media - PARROT RIDES ON THE TUBE - THIS pretty boy could be forgiven for forgetting his Oyst-aaarrrgh-card .
Is your cat bored? Do his usual playthings simply not do it for him anymore? Not to worry - there's an app for that .
Animal rescue volunteers have told how a cat riddled with cancer was forced to ripped off its own ears after it was abandoned by its owners .
AN ADORABLE one-eyed kitten has been dubbed the 'pirate cat' because of his pirate-like facial expressions .
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
An elegant snowy owl spreads her wings and glides effortlessly above the snow covered field .
SPLASHING in the water and fighting in-between rocks, these energetic tigers enjoy their fun-filled morning .
STOLEN £2K BULLDOG REUNITED WITH FAMILY VIA TWITTER - A £2,000 bulldog puppy snatched from her home by burglars has been reunited with her family thanks to Twitter .
HOTSPOT MEDIA - MILEY MASH-UP: MILEY CYRUS’ naked wrecking ball vid has been lampooned in this side-spitting photo-mashup .
With no luck at the front of the bus, the deer runs around the center seats trying to escape through the window – THIS is the astonishing moment a DEER crashed through the front windshield of a bus before it went hysterically running around the vehicle .
WITH SNOW COVERING the ground around them, these two polar bears play fight .
THIS is the fascinating abandoned house, complete with mystery portraits and homely items, that has been dubbed - crooked cottage .