A little caterpillar fearlessly scampers down a branch and confronts a praying mantis. As the green praying mantis lifts its body and prepares for battles, the amber bug simply stares into the face of the much larger rival. Photographer Monica Anantyowati captured the tense staredown in a garden close to her home in Malang, Indonesia.
Most people bend over backwards to keep children entertained, but this baboon show us how it’s done .
Ever wished you could live in a house just like Barbie's? Canadian sculptor Heather Benning has created the life-size dollhouse of her dreams out a derelict building .
This is the moment a nimble red fox and a lumbering Alaskan brown bear were locked in a tense stand-off .
AT 4,800 metres high and just three metres wide, this is the most dangerous road in the world .
This brave Hyena finally catches his pray among the thousands of flamingos, Lake Nakuru, Kenya - OUTNUMBERED among thousands of flamingos, this bold hyena is not put off from hunting for a morning snack .
An osprey soars through the air at 30 miles per hour before swooping down to catch its prey from a lake .
THIS incredible shimmer of silver fish mirrors the image of that of an underwater tornado .
From foster care to the MAGICAL world of cosplay, a young girl’s dreams become reality after being adopted by a photography loving couple .
Families in an Indian slum put their lives on the line by living on top of an ACTIVE railway track .
THE THOUGHT OF BECOMING shipwrecked on a remote destination would fill most holidaymakers with dread .
SAT ON top of a Brazilian turtle’s head, this little ladybird looks content as he studies his environment from a new height .
TUGGING on the wing of his sibling, this needy owl is after some attention .