YOU’VE heard of the northern lights now feast your eyes on the natural wonder of the SOUTHERN lights. This light display, called auroras, maybe on the lesser photographed side of the Earth – but these pictures prove the Southern lights are just as impressive. They are especially striking when set against the famous Southern Cross star constellation. The dazzling pictures of auroras on the other side of the planet were taken on the Australian island of Tasmania by local horticulturalist Jonathan Esling, 33. ‘Quite often people are unaware that auroras can even be seen from Tasmanian,’ said Jonathan. Taken on 01/05/13.
A talented artist has created artwork with a KICKIN' twist by painting on his pregnant wife's bump .
A former obese woman has told how she lost 19st, but was so terrified of gaining weight that she ended up developing an eating disorder .
LINED up one by one on a deer’s back, these little birds give their wings a break as they catch a ride across London .
A young girl has been forced to stay indoors this winter because a rare allergy to the cold could kill her .
Diners on this aeroplane are never disappointed with their meal, because the decommissioned aircraft is now home to an air-mazing McDonald’s restaurant .
A teenager bullied for having birthmarks all over her body now hopes to become a Hollywood actress to show girls that beauty comes from being unique .
FEAST your eyes onthe £3K luxury yurts that rock legend Mick Jagger will be basking in between Glastonbury performances this weekend .
The sun is finally out, bringing a smile to many people’s faces – including this cute little dormouse’s! Grinning from ear to ear, this tiny dormouse appears to have been tickled by something as it clambered up this flower, basking in the sunshine, whilst having a little laugh to himself .
A loving daughter has set up a Facebook page in a desperate plea to strangers, to donate a kidney to her dying mum .
PUCKERING up and enjoying some quality time, these are the most lovable monkeys on the planet .
ARM extended and head flung back, this little chipmunk performs a loose-limbed yoga move .