Court case starts today at Birmingham Crown Court. Junior Saleem Oakes accused of murdering mum of three Natasha Trevis, 22. Police hunting the killer of a 22-year-old woman who was stabbed to death in the back of a taxi have arrested a 28-year-old man. Junior Saleem Oakes was arrested on suspicion of murder following the stabbing in Birmingham. Detectives from West Midlands Police launched a manhunt after a man fled the scene in Northfield, Birmingham, at around 8am. Oakes was found in the garden of a house on Allens Farm in south Birmingham just after 6pm. The suspect, also known as Mohammed Saleem (Salim) Junior Oakes, has been taken to a police station in the West Midlands for questioning, a force spokesman said. The victim, who has not been named, was knifed repeatedly while still in the car. The pair are believed to have been in a relationship, police said. Both are thought to have been passengers in the taxi - a light coloured Peugeot car. A police spokeswoman said the driver called 999 from the scene, on Dimsdale Road, but the woman was in cardiac arrest when paramedics arrived and could not be saved.
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