Staring death in the face, a little field mouse bravely confronts a hungry cat. The rodent, after being locked in a tense stare down with its feline foe, narrowly escapes the paws of the predator by scurrying to freedom. The moment was captured by French nutrition student Enora Lebosse in her garden in Brittany, France. The 20-year-old, originally of Saint-Malo, France, says: ‘My pet cat, Bastet, was hot on the heels of a little field mouse…
An Italian photographer travelled to northern India where he visited poverty stricken suburbs and captured ordinary people in a series of intimate and expressive portraits .
With blue waves tumbling over them, these surfers glide underneath a tunnel of water .
HOPPING onto the scales, these adorable baby Humboldt penguins are ready for their first weigh-in .
A woman who left a fellow nightclubber needing plastic surgery after savagely biting her on the hand because she was hungry, has been spared prison .
A professional dancer has embraced her individuality after refusing plastic surgery to remove a giant birthmark on her face .
WELCOME to the Temple of Zoom where you can “experience” sliding down a Mayan temple into shark infested waters .
This brave Hyena finally catches his pray among the thousands of flamingos, Lake Nakuru, Kenya - OUTNUMBERED among thousands of flamingos, this bold hyena is not put off from hunting for a morning snack .
Lying angelically with a range of expressions etched on their tiny faces, little bundles of joy are innocently captured in their first few days in these adorable photographs .
Posh pooch owners are lapping their pets up in luxury by paying £1,500 for 22ct gold lined fine china DOG BOWLS .
The rock restaurant, located in Zanzibar – THIS unique restaurant really does boast breath-taking views - as it is perched on a rock in the middle of the sea .
A mum from Gloucestershire has accepted her four-year-old twin son’s decision to live full time as a girl - and is now letting him wear a skirt to school .