A woman has revealed how she didn’t know she was pregnant until she saw her baby’s head crowning. Clara Furniss, 23, sported no bump, had monthly bleeding and was on the Pill when she experienced crippling back pain in August last year. She was rushed to A&E where she was asked to take a pregnancy test. But when she pulled her trousers back up after going to the toilet, she saw her baby’s head popping out. Clara gave birth moments later on the floor. Thankfully, a year on, her surprise baby daughter, Alexandra, is thriving. Clara, from Harrogate, North Yorkshire, is speaking out to raise awareness of cryptic pregnancies.
A little caterpillar fearlessly scampers down a branch and confronts a praying mantis .
A middle spotted woodpecker swoops into her nest and feeds her young in a forest in Trentino, Italy .
These are the fascinating pictures of miniature table sculptures molded around bonsai trees that take up to a painstaking 18 months to create .
An American man who suffered horrific third-degree burns to 70 percent of his body in a childhood accident has faced his fears by becoming a firefighter .
PICKING up a tiny tea-pot with its paws, a little red squirrel struggles to prepare its morning tea .
CAMPED out in the middle of a forest, these unusual hut hotels take you back to basics .
An Indonesian farmer is dragged through muddy water as he clings to the tails of two charging cows .
A woman was diagnosed with cancer after a cyst left her so bloated medics were convinced she was pregnant .
High street giant Harvey Nichols has come under fire for a "disgusting" ad campaign that depicts a woman peeing herself .
The aurora lights captured in Blair Nebraska, America - WITH electrifying purple and illuminous green brightening up the night sky, this is the rare moment a flash of 'sprite' lightening was captured on camera .
This tranquil setting stretches for miles as the sun sets behind the mountain .
A disabled sheep is enjoying a new fleece of life after receiving a specially-designed wheelchair .