DIVING down at a speed of 75mph, this is the moment a hungry osprey caught his prey. The osprey swoops in, with its eyes firmly fixed on the trout below, before making a sharp exit with his meal. The moment was photographed by Andrew Lee in El Dorado Park in Long Beach, California. ‘The osprey at this lake circled the edges trying to spot a fish,’ says Andrew, of Irvine, California.
A Brit photographer has captured one of the world's most camera-shy species of fish - during a game of underwater peek-a-boo .
A first-time mum has told how she was allergic to her unborn baby after she developed an angry red rash all over her body .
OFFERING a glimpse into the past, a mash-up of old and new photographs show how the world’s biggest cities have changed .
A widow whose love rat ex-boyfriend left her homeless has had the last laugh after a judge ordered her ex to pay back £300,000 .
A university graduate who was obsessed with achieving a thigh gap has told how she shrunk to just 6st after developing anorexia athletica .
STEPFORD wives from the 1950's and 60's are performing history's most sexist exercise programme .
The sun is finally out, bringing a smile to many people’s faces – including this cute little dormouse’s! Grinning from ear to ear, this tiny dormouse appears to have been tickled by something as it clambered up this flower, basking in the sunshine, whilst having a little laugh to himself .
ONCE A doctor’s surgery, family home and office, an array of medical equipment is scattered throughout this abandoned home .
The dog having been pulled from the car - A police officer smashed a window in the blue Chrysler car to free the dog which was in visible distress .
A British diver has set a new world record for the longest warm water scuba dive by spending a mammoth 49 hours and 56 minutes under water .
THIS RING of fire in the sky is the annular solar eclipse that wowed our cousins down-under .