HOTSPOT MEDIA - McDIVING CRAZE GOES VIRAL - DRUNK students have brought the term 'extra-value meal' to a new level in a bizarre internet craze sweeping across McDonalds chains - McDiving. The staff really aren't 'Lovin' It' as hilarious videos have emerged of youngsters diving across the counters in the fast food chains at the end of a boozy night out. The youngsters are not quite as graceful as Olympic diving pro Tom Daley as they are seen diving head first across the counter and falling onto the floor in a heap - but it hasn't stopped them. Amusing videos show the clearly intoxicated students taking a short run up - depending on how inebriated they are - before launching themselves across the counter towards unsuspecting employees. Bouncers employed by the fast food chains are then seen dragging the airborne students out of the restaurant.....SEE HOTSPOT MEDIA COPY 0121 551 1004
CCTV shows a dark figure dumping the dog- A pet dog suffering with cancer has been put down after being dumped at an animal rescue in what officials said is the worst abandonment of any animal they have witnessed .
MEET the real life sleeping beauty - who snoozed for TWO months when a rare sleep disorder took over her life and turned it into a nightmare .
STAR-TI-LING: 40,000 STARLINGS MIMIC HITCHCOCK'S THE BIRDS- This could be the fearsome scene from Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds as a flock of 40,000 starlings bask in the heat of a wonderful British sunset .
EXPERTLY camouflaged, this clever panther chameleon knows how to catch its prey by surprise .
A first-time mum has told how she was allergic to her unborn baby after she developed an angry red rash all over her body .
A former size 30 comfort-eater ditched her husband and lost over 10st after he called her a 'fat cow' .
PRANKSTER Dom Joly was so livid when he was slapped with a parking ticket that he took to Twitter to vent his anger – only to discover he was the victim of his own gag! The comic got a taste of his own medicine when he was tricked by a fellow joker for the first time in a decade .
Most women would jump at the chance to put on some lipstick, sling on a pair of heels and head out for a romantic meal with their other half .
Splashing around in the water, a mother otter and her son are tangled in a family feud .
If you tune into primetime coverage of the 2012 Olympic Games, you’re most likely going to see London’s new Aquatic Center from many angles as athletes from all around the globe compete for the top spot on the podium .
A DARING duo take their chances and scale this spectacular 82ft frozen waterfall before it collapses .
GLIDING through the water, these delightful frogs show off their vibrant colours as they practice their FROG crawl .