SHOWING off her best assets for the camera, this cheeky orangutan is in the mood for love, puckering up her lips to blow the biggest kiss she can. Feeling flirty on this particular morning, this female orang-utan named Nonja, 37, decided to send out a bit of love to zoo visitors, showing off her best pout. These hilarious photographs were taken by animal photographer Josef Gelernter, 32, after a visit to Vienna Zoo, Austria.
Aged 27, I was swept off my feet by my gorgeous husband, Lee, now 42 .
Lauren Kilgariff, 29, was with husband, Shaun, 31, for four years .
With the vivid red smoke billowing into the sky amid the misty sand dunes, these are the blissful views provided at the break of dawn at a volcano .
AS graffiti goes, this giant mural of a sweet little girl tenderly watering a tree beneath her is a far cry from what you usually see emblazoned across cities .
A GLOWING range of greens and blues sweep across the sky in a spectacular display of light .
A British jewellery designer with a passion for London's iconic Gherkin has created a pen with an INK-REDIBLE price tag of £27,500 .
AN ANOREXIC dental nurse whose weight plummeted to less than four stone has won her NHS fight for more treatment .
A woman who was addicted to eating curries has shed an impressive 8st after giving up her favourite food .
A photographer has captured spellbinding images of stars swirling above the English countryside .
An amputee who was cruelly nicknamed 'peg-leg' by school bullies has conquered her insecurities to become a model .
WITH the phosphorescent blobs and mesmerising patterns, these spectacular images may look like the hall marks of an enchanted forest but it is in fact the scene of thousands of dancing FIREFLIES .
RECORD BREAKING GRAN'S COLLECTION OF NEARLY 800 SHEEP HOTSPOT MEDIA – WITH PICS 0121 551 1004 By Katie Thompson A record-breaking baa-rmy gran with a love for sheep has amassed a collection of nearly 800 woolly wonders .