FISTS fly as two gorillas take each other on in a dramatic battle. Fighting to become successful young adults, they throw punches and push each other in a bid to win the fight. These fierce images taken by Dr Michal Samuni-Blank, capture the pair of blackback gorillas as they punch and chase each other around their impressive enclosure. Michal, an Israeli-Born zoologist, took the snaps at Bronx Zoo, New York in order to learn more about the primates.
CARRYING a fully grown goat on his back, this five-year-old boy is a child shepherd in the mountains of northern Ethiopia .
The gunslingers are long gone and tumbleweeds have taken over at this abandoned American Wild West Theme Park in Cornwall .
It’s a role reversal in the Visayan Sea as HUNDREDS of tiny, glistening eggs are carried around inside the mouth of their cardinalfish father .
Lauren Kilgariff, 29, was with husband, Shaun, 31, for four years .
A mischievous fox cub demonstrates his playful side by biting his sibling’s tail .
When Kylie Holgate discovered her fiancé was having an affair, her world came crashing down .
HUDDLED together on a branch, a pair of adorable Javan scops owls soak up the sun .
A BAMBI was dramatically caught in mid-air by a greedy Nile crocodile in a once-in-a-million flying pincer move .
WEARING tiny Christmas accessories, these adorable babies get into the spirit of the season .
An adorable red squirrel says goodbye to the summer as he shelters from the rain underneath a small blue umbrella .
A former food addict who had spent her whole life dreaming of romance shed an astonishing 12st 7lbs to experience love for the first time .
A Zumba-mad grandma has lost almost 14st after becoming addicted to the popular dance craze .