In June 2023, Aimee da Cunha, 33, from Perth, Australia, was boiling potatoes on the stove when her two-year-old daughter, Hailey, knocked the pan of water over her. She suffered second degree burns to 36% of her body. Whilst she received treatment in hospital, Hailey struggled to breathe had to be put on life support. But when doctors tried waking her up, she was unresponsive. After various tests, they discovered Hailey had brain damage. Doctors told Aimee and her partner, Justin, 33, that Hailey would have no quality of life and would be in a vegetative state. They gave them the choice to withdraw care and let her pass naturally. But Aimee and Justin gave Hailey a chance at life and she underwent a tracheostomy surgery. She also endured two skin graft surgeries. Miraculously, Hailey started to improve each day and was eventually able to eat and breathe on her own. She has recently taken her first steps since her accident and is continuing to defy everything that the doctors said.
As sunlight cascades through its vibrant stained glass windows, every inch of the Nasir-ol-Mulk Mosque bursts with colour .
A pair of BEAUTIFUL rescue sea turtles spot their catch in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef .
Commuters were put in a HOLE lot of trouble after trains were cancelled by a hole created by BADGERS .
A Game of Thrones obsessed couple have fallen in love after meeting at a comic convention dressed as lovestruck characters Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drago .
A TEN-THOUSAND square foot wide Avatar-style grove is such a beauty it will leave you feeling VINE .
The UK's first hotline - and possibly the galaxy's - for people who have been targeted by aliens has opened to the public .
Meet the dog-loving woman who spends £20k a year looking after her 30 pet PUGS .
The dog having been pulled from the car - A police officer smashed a window in the blue Chrysler car to free the dog which was in visible distress .
A cheeky owl fancies a game of hide and seek as it peeps out from behind a tree .
Suspended FIFTY metres in the air, this is the last place that you would expect to find a fine dining experience .
A diver attempts to control rising numbers of lionfish by feeding the venomous species to Caribbean reef sharks .